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Technology and Team Members

November 24, 2024

Here at Hyperion Works, we want to make you as efficient as possible so that you can reach your business goals. This means using your team members where they should be used, and using technology where it should be used. But how do you know which to use and when?


Here's the rule of thumb:

What we often find is that businesses tend to have tasks assigned to team members that should be done with technology, but not so much vice-versa. An example of something that should be done by technology (and often times is) is something that we can all relate to -- Our calendar popups. When you have an appointment in your calendar, you get an automated reminder some predetermined amount of time before the appointment. Technology does that for you. It's completely automated.

But why is that? You could have someone in your office sitting there, watching your calendar, and sending you a text 30 minutes before every appointment. The reasons you wouldn't do that are obvious:

When using technology for this task, it's cheap, and it works predictably.

One of my favorite past-times is wandering a client's office, watching the team members work, and seeing all of the things that they're doing that they shouldn't be doing, things that technology should be doing for them. Copying-and-pasting data from Program A into Program B, keeping data in-sync between two applications, composing the same email repeatedly, or manually checking data against known criteria.

The grow your business efficiently, you need to utilize technology in all of the areas of your business where it should be used. In most businesses, payroll is the largest expense. Work to grow your business as much as possible with your existing staff by using automation where appropriate, and thereby keeping your payroll costs efficient.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) throws a bit of a wrench into this. If you'd like to know where AI fits into all of this, reach out to us and we'll be happy to assist.

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